Musings about life, my journey, transformation, observations, horses, dogs, and other furry four leggeds.
~Robert Irwin"Ever present, never twice the same.... Ever
changing, never less than whole...."
Friday, August 30, 2013
Dancing with discord
· "You made me angry "
· "you pissed me off"
· "you hurt my feelings"
· "you made me sad"
We take this on when in fact it is US that ultimately controls how we want to be and react in the presence of this. Remember for every 1 finger we point at someone, there are at least 3 pointing back to ourselves.
This isn't to say that sometimes choosing anger/sadness/angst doesn't serve. There are instances when it does. The key is to recognize the difference. And to notice what occurs in your body during upset. Then you can control it and it is choice. This also takes you out of "victimhood."
Now for me, in most situations, the upset doesn't truly affect my body. Meaning inside I am calm. Upset leads to dis-ease. It begins emotionally and when not addressed will manifest physically.
Hence why when I have feelings of being bajiggidy it is unsettling to me and a call and reminder that I must regroup and ground my self and my energy. I must decide how I choose to dance with discord.
Create a BEAUTIFUL day!!
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and groundedness,
¤Know yourself as a Gateway to Fierce, Endless Possibility!!! ¤
"Ever present, never twice the same. Ever changing, never less than whole...."
--Robert Irwin
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And Twitter~ @InezDonmoyer
Friday, July 12, 2013
The body is AMAZING!!
I am an itchy, itchy GIRL!!! Like a snake…. Peeling away…. My latest "pièce de résistance" … work of "art" is healing…. Yayyyy!! Yayyyy!!! Which brings my current "WOW" moment to mind… The body's AMAZING ability to heal itself.. it's innate "wisdom" and the equally AMAZING talents of our skin!! How it constantly heals itself… like magic! It's MAGICAL I tell you!! Seriously! I have so many knicks, abrasions, scars, bruises, rope burns, gashes, the list goes on that I have done to myself and continue to do to myself and still I heal… the burns-> harden-> sheds-> disappears… the laceration in my skin seals itself closed… How AWESOME IS THAT?!?!? Like SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!! Guys! Take a moment… check out your body, your skin.. and express gratitude! I'm a rough and tumble chick.. always jumping head first into things… I know I'm in AWE over the MAGICAL healing and wisdom my body has!!
And here's a lil tidbit since this whole thought began with an itch, from my tattoo………
The skin has two layers, the top layer is the epidermis which does constantly shed and regenerate, and the dermis underneath, which is mostly collagen and elastin, and gives our skin its resilience. Tattooing has been around for a long time and in some cultures is considered to give beauty or is a mark of distinction. The ink from tattooing is deposited in the dermis layer which becomes permanent although it does fade a little with age. The only way to remove a tattoo is to destroy the dermis by dermabrasion or laser, or surgically cut it out.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Obesity a disease??
((I'm on a roll today, aren't I??))
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Father's Day and EVERY day. Thank you!
*"You can do it. You WILL do it"
*"Whatever you dream you want to be will happen"
*"You can do ANYTHING"
**"Can't is NOT in the dictionary"
*"Don't you ever quit."
*"Don't you ever give up"
*"Keep moving forward"
*"You are beautiful"
*"You are intelligent"
*"You are a winner"
*"There is no such thing as fail"
*"You will succeed at everything and anything you can possibly dream of"
*"There is NOTHING you cannot do"
*"You are independent"
*"You are self-sufficient"
*"You are special"
*"I am so very proud of you"
*"I love you more"
*"You will accomplish so much"
*"Keep at it girl"
*"Atta' girl"
*"You are so smart"
*"There is nothing you cannot do"
*"How did I get so lucky"
*"There is nothing you won't accomplish"
*"Keep inspiring"
*"You are so special"
*"How wonderful you are"
*"You are my Number 1 son"
*"I am so happy you are my daughter"
*"You are your father's daughter"
^^and these^^ are the words I grew up hearing. These are the sentences I was told my whole life. All by one person. There is so much more that was said and ingrained into me by this man, my father, all along these same lines. This is how you build up a child. This is how you instill love. This is how and why one feels cherished, respected, accepted, and loved. This is what instills confidence and drive. These are the lessons this woman was taught. The mantras that this woman still hears. The enveloping love that this woman knows and remembers. It is what help shape her, the foundation that gave her the knowledge and trust that all is well in this world. That dreams always come true. That nothing is impossible. Knowing oneself and showing oneself as a gateway to FIERCE, ENDLESS POSSIBILITY.
These are the words that changes the caterpillar into the butterfly. These are the words I grew up knowing to be my truth.
Thank you dad! Thank you for being the most influential man and person to ever touch my life, who co-created my life. Thank you for giving me the wings to fly and soar high above the clouds. Know that these sentiments transcend far beyond "just" Father's day. Know that my gratitude to you, for this, is shared everyday I wake. In everything I do. And in all that I am. Your words are what the foundation to who I am and who I become. I love you!!
Your #1 son.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
There is adventure in solitude....
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and solitude,
¤Know yourself as a Gateway to Fierce, Endless Possibility!!! ¤
"Ever present, never twice the same. Ever changing, never less than whole...."
--Robert Irwin
Follow me on Facebook~
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And Twitter~ @InezDonmoyer
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I'm a wiz at bumping my head!!
More on the topic of misogyny ((since it was touched on last night in my polygamy/polyandry/polygyny post on FB- frankly I see nothing wrong with polyamory as long as all parties involved consent))
So yesterday, as he's leaving office "boss" says to male intern, "Be sure to wear your skirt tomorrow, you'll be answering phones"
((a remark that he makes often, among others))
Granted our admin assistant is out (another location) AND this is still inappropriate in a number of ways. Further perpetrating the political/religious/western ideal of female subservience. Additionally, it is insulting ((especially given that I am a bit more "educated" than he)) and interesting to the sociology minor in me. I also find it laughable; I am more practiced at (western-US) stereotypical "male" role activities than he.
For example: I ride a motorcycle, wield a chainsaw and service it when necessary, had a boat and knew how to use it, change tractor oil, own and shoot my own firearms, can change my cars oil, brakes, tires, ect-shoot, I completely tore down my VW Bug's motor just because I could and to challenge my knowledge, I'm pretty good at putting things together and assembling furniture and electronics, I LOVE outdoor "work", etc. , you get the idea. None of what I've listed has he done (aside from tire change). I know this through conversations we've had. ((I swear he thinks I'm a bit of an enigma, and looks at me during convos like he's seeing something "strange" under a microscope.. Lol!!)).
I recognize that this is due in part to how he was socialized. And still, I am challenged because I know this manner of thinking and being is being passed on and socialized into future generations. ((folks make it "okay" by saying its "old school" etc. Such RUBBISH!!))
The glass ceiling and 2nd shift is still very much a reality in today's society. I am doing what I can to break those norms. The great irony here too is that my father is the one that taught me most of what I listed. "Never depend on a man to do what this woman can" had been a mantra of mine (my sis is the same way). And herein lies the twist. Yes, our father instilled much of this in us (we were socialized in--nurture vs nature) AND that same man, our father, is a bit of a misogynist when it comes to "his" women. Fascinating, isn't it??
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and keen observation,
¤Know yourself as a Gateway to Fierce, Endless Possibility!!! ¤
"Ever present, never twice the same. Ever changing, never less than whole...."
--Robert Irwin
Follow me on Facebook~
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And Twitter~ @InezDonmoyer
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Beautiful night ponderings.
With thoughts of joyous sunshine and rest,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Don't Quit!!
Don't Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest, if you must, but DON'T. YOU. QUIT!
Success is failure turned inside out—
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit—
It's when things seem worst that you MUST. NOT. QUIT!!
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and perseverance,
Inez Donmoyer, CEMT, CCMT, CSAMT, RMT
Unicorn Dreams Wholistic Touch
Equine, Canine and Small Animal Massage/Bodywork and Reiki Master Teacher
Holistic Horse Care Cooperative
Join the Circle of Influence that Honors the Horse, become a member of the Holistic Herd
¤Know yourself as a Gateway to Fierce, Endless Possibility!!! ¤
"Ever present, never twice the same. Ever changing, never less than whole...."
--Robert Irwin
Follow me on Facebook~
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And Twitter~ @InezDonmoyer
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Ants in my pants!! Ants in my pants!
Ants in my pants!! Ants in my pants!! Yep… still got ants in my pants! All my energetically connected friends and peers, are you also feeling this shift in energy? Not easily explained and not tangible to those who are still asleep, or perhaps don't yet have the language or senses to feel these subtle vibrations. I have been spending a good bit of time in self-reflection and observation; taking notice of subtle changes and vibrational "blips" in my space. Change is coming… I feel it.. and a magnificent summer ahead.. I know it! My body is literally vibrating with all the possibility and opportunity in front of me that I do not yet see…pulsing….pulsing..… ((I can feel it though… yes.. I can!)) My niece is quite the muse for me lately! A perfect example of how to "BE" in the moment…
Stepping into the Golden Age….. Where we are now we are being called to change the way we view ourselves, to see the bigger picture of humanity in the vastness of our universe and align our lives to co-create a world based on foundations of compassion, joy, and reverence for all life. Perhaps it is time to quantum leap our thinking, expand our hearts and transform our perceived limitations through the power of the Heart. What say you??
I stumbled upon this post that does a fairly accurate depiction of what I assess and feel to be true as I navigate through my own changes and shifts.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
OPEN. YOUR. EYES- The over medicating of our youth
It is no secret that I believe the U.S. as a whole is a heavily over medicated nation with a vested interest by Big Corporations and Big Pharma into "sick" care (not health care). More recently I learned that someone close to me put one of their children on Prozac. Really?? WOW!! The child in question is a SUPER bright child with a sharp intellect and unlimited possibility. Prozac was prescribed by the pediatrician (there's even a discussion to increase-double?- dosage). Why would this pediatrician prescribe this? Because the child "has anxious behavior" ((I did a research paper a few years back about anxiety & whether it was genetic or socialized- nature v. nurture. My conclusion- it was not so much genetic/nature and was primarily due in part because of an anxious parent-primarily the mother- that passed-read socialized- those tendencies on to their children. But I digress))
This begged me to revisit the blatant over medication of America's youth and the negative consequence of these "anti-depressants" that flood them. This also asks the questions, why are so many "doctors" and parents so easy to "give the kid a pill?" It would behoove us to think critically about the present circumstances that surround us. What of these youth 5-10 years from now? What are we doing to our future generations??
SSRIs are dangerous and not to be taken lightly. It would behoove a parent to truly do their research. There is SO MUCH INFORMATION available now if one would take the (very brief) time to look. I pulled the following up in less than 10 minutes. For the sake of the children, put your thinking caps on. Do the research. Understand what it is you are popping into your child's mouth. Understand and own your decisions and the part you play in the grand scheme of things.
Here's an IMPORTANT WARNING from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health:
( )
A small number of children, teenagers, and young adults (up to 24 years of age) who took antidepressants ('mood elevators') such as fluoxetine during clinical studies became suicidal (thinking about harming or killing oneself or planning or trying to do so). Children, teenagers, and young adults who take antidepressants to treat depression or other mental illnesses may be more likely to become suicidal than children, teenagers, and young adults who do not take antidepressants to treat these conditions. However, experts are not sure about how great this risk is and how much it should be considered in deciding whether a child or teenager should take an antidepressant.
You should know that your mental health may change in unexpected ways when you take fluoxetine or other antidepressants even if you are an adult over 24 years of age. You may become suicidal, especially at the beginning of your treatment and any time that your dose is increased or decreased. You, your family, or your caregiver should call your doctor right away if you experience any of the following symptoms: new or worsening depression; thinking about harming or killing yourself, or planning or trying to do so; extreme worry; agitation; panic attacks; difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep; aggressive behavior; irritability; acting without thinking; severe restlessness; and frenzied abnormal excitement. Be sure that your family or caregiver knows which symptoms may be serious so they can call the doctor if you are unable to seek treatment on your own.
And from RX list:
( )
(fluoxetine hydrochloride) Pulvules and Weekly Capsules
Antidepressants increased the risk compared to placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children, adolescents, and young adults in short-term studies of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and other psychiatric disorders. Anyone considering the use of PROZAC or any other antidepressant in a child, adolescent, or young adult must balance this risk with the clinical need. Short-term studies did not show an increase in the risk of suicidality with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults beyond age 24; there was a reduction in risk with antidepressants compared to placebo in adults aged 65 and older. Depression and certain other psychiatric disorders are themselves associated with increases in the risk of suicide. Patients of all ages who are started on antidepressant therapy should be monitored appropriately and observed closely for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual changes in behavior. Families and caregivers should be advised of the need for close observation and communication with the prescriber. PROZAC is approved for use in pediatric patients with MDD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS and Use in Specific Populations].
When using PROZAC and olanzapine in combination, also refer to Boxed Warning section of the package insert for Symbyax.
Prozac and SSRIs: a Twenty-fifth Anniversary:
From Drugwatch:
SSRIs and FDA Warnings
Suicidal thoughts were well-documented in youths taking Prozac before the FDA stepped in and warned the public of this danger in October 2004. Two years later, the federal agency expanded the safety alert to include patients through age 24.
The FDA also issued official warnings in 2006 for an increased risk of PPHN and Serotonin Syndrome in pregnant patients taking SSRIs.
PPHN is the condition that often goes undetected during pregnancy and can lead to a baby being born with serious heart and lung difficulties. Serotonin Syndrome occurs when a patient accumulates too much serotonin in the brain — either from overdosing on an SSRI or taking a combination of medicines that boost the serotonin levels beyond what the brain can handle. With this condition, the onset can occur within minutes and be fatal if not treated immediately.
In 2007, the FDA began requiring antidepressant manufacturers to update their black-box warnings — the strongest alert before a drug is pulled from the market — to spell out the suicide risk children face during initial treatment.
SSRI Side Effects
The unpleasant reality of choosing to take an SSRI is that the patient must be willing to live with certain side effects. Although each SSRI drug works slightly differently on each person because of its chemical makeup and the person's overall health, the class of medications has many side effects in common.
And more stories about SSRIs.
And more:
and more from the National Institute of Mental Health:
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Why is it we don't plant urban gardens?
Friday, March 22, 2013
Random thoughts... Growth in the age of apps.
I was sitting here slouched over my phone bouncing between my email, the Internet, & my Facebook app. I noticed my head "falling" forward and my neck feeling a bit of the strain, this then moved down into my shoulders, and I could feel pressure at my lower back and sacrum.... My thoughts then went to technology. More specifically, "smartphones," iPads, tablets, and "on the go" entertainment devices. What effect are these devices having on our hands, fingers, eyes, neck, back, and posture? How about those that are the very young.... How will constantly leaning over a device alter their growth??
Will they begin to evolve physically into stooped like zombies?? I guess time will tell....meanwhile, perhaps I should put this device down, square my shoulder, raise my neck and head back into the proper position. Yes... I'll do that now.
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and proper posture,
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
SPRING!!!!!! Into action!
((and on a related, yet different note, it is also a time for Aries. This is my time!- well...spring and summer))
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Life is sacred..... Right?!?!?!???
Listening to NPR today and the "big" topic is about the health mandate, religion, and birth control. They are discussing birth control pills, and "Plan B." Religious entities are pushing back against providing these services to their employees. I'm a bit confused about this. With life being sacred, should that sentiment apply to all life? What about the animal companions that are spayed and neutered.. What about the wild horses that are being given contraception? If you pay taxes, you're funding that practice… Shouldn't this apply across the board?? Life is sacred regardless, right? How many of these organizations are vegan?? Just sayin'…………………………
Friday, February 8, 2013
FDA approves first GMO flu vaccine containing reprogrammed insect virus
Additionally, the FDA has also approved a flu vaccine containing dog kidney cells! Gives new meaning to "man's best friend." Personally, (numerous health concerns aside) I am offended by this. What are we allowing now in society?? Why are we allowing these types of experiments? Are we really any better for them?? Really?!?
Folks, please do your homework. Inform yourself. Don't sit idly by. Don't be an experiment.
Just for fun ((or perhaps a warning))
The Fly!!
((you can read more about them in these 2 articles))
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
STOP!! Before you pickup those vitamins..... Read the label!
Here are the ingredients…..
Ingredients: Sucrose, Corn Syrup, Water, Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Choline Bitartrate, Maltodextrin, Acacia. Contains < 2% of: Ascorbic Acid (Vit. C), Beeswax, Biotin, Blue 1 Lake, Blue 2 Lake, Calcium Pantothenate, Carmine (color), Carnauba Wax, Cholecalciferol (Vit. D3), Cyanocobalamin (Vit. B12), dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (Vit. E), Folic Acid, Inositol, Lac-Resin, Lecithin (Soy), Modified Corn Starch, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Potassium Iodide, Pregelatinized Corn Starch, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vit. B6), Red 40 Lake, Titanium Dioxide, Vitamin A Palmitate, Zinc Sulfate. Contains: Soy.
Yummmm!!! Doesn't this just SCREAM "healthy" to you?? <<insert sarcasm here>> I'm particularly fond of the following ingredients<<more sarcasm here>>:
· Sucrose (no explanation needed)
· Corn syrup (no explanation needed)
· Maltodextrin (MSG?)
· Blue 1 Lake (no explanation needed)
· Blue 2 Lake (no explanation needed)
· Carmine (yummm… insects!!))
· Carnauba wax (surfing anyone??)
· Cyanocobalamin (cyanide anyone??)
· dl-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate (nothing like a synthetic chemically processed, petroleum based source of E)
· lac-resin (yummm….more insect stuffs!)
· lecithin (soy- as a practice… I tend to stay far far away from conventional soy… no GM for me thanks)
· natural and artificial flavors (flavors of what??? What does that mean??)
· Modified Corn Starch (ummmm…. Well….. it's obviously modified== genetically that is… and likely MSG…)
· Red 4 Lake (no explanation needed)
· Titanium Dioxide (possible carcinogen based on the rate of incidence of respiratory tract cancer in rats.. wtfuzzy??? Umm… this is also used in milk.. niiiice, huh??)
· Vitamin A Palmitate (just say no to synthetics!)
· Contains: Soy (no explanation needed)
Look, I'm no chemist, biologist, or doctor… I'm a girl, who reads labels, and is good with research and "googling." It doesn't take a whole lot of acronyms after your name to figure out that this "adult vitamin" is something you may want to decline… The fact that it's even considered a vitamin and "good" for you is ludicrous… Obviously, the FDA is not looking out for the consumers best interest.. You know, buyer beware, and all that fun stuff! How's this for a novel idea….. eat WHOLE foods!! That's right, folks! REAL food! You know… the stuff that doesn't come out of a box or a laboratory. Maybe a vegetable or fruit here and there?? What are your thoughts?? Are you ready to mow folks over in a race to get this "vitamin" to add to your "medicine" chest??
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Ingredients matter! What's in that dog food?? ((Beneful))
Ingredients: Ground yellow corn, chicken by-product meal, corn gluten meal, whole wheat flour, animal fat preserved with mixed-tocopherols (form of Vitamin E), rice flour, soy flour, sugar, propylene glycol, meat and bone meal, animal digest, , dried peas, , added color (Red 40, Yellow 5, Yellow 6, Blue 2), garlic oil, menadione sodium bisulfite complex (source of Vitamin K activity)
Corn, corn gluten meal, wheat flour, rice flour, soy flour, sugar, food coloring are NOT appropriate "food" for a carnivore. Additionally, corn and soy are high GMO crops. Rice has been linked to having high levels of arsenic. Meat and bone meal, animal digest, animal fat are also red flags to me. This points to 4D ingredients. Whenever an animal (meat source) is not named you are opening up a can of worms and a host of potential health issues. These items can be anything and from anywhere including diseased cattle, restaurant grease, euthanized pets, and slaughterhouse waste. Menadione has been linked to liver toxicity and allergies. Learn to read ingredients and discern what they mean. As you may already know I am a proponent of feeding a species appropriate diet (my carnivores are raw fed), if you are not able to go there, understand what the words mean under ingredients and feed the highest quality that you are able. Please be sure to read the linked article.