Musings about life, my journey, transformation, observations, horses, dogs, and other furry four leggeds.
~Robert Irwin"Ever present, never twice the same.... Ever
changing, never less than whole...."
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Life is sacred..... Right?!?!?!???
Listening to NPR today and the "big" topic is about the health mandate, religion, and birth control. They are discussing birth control pills, and "Plan B." Religious entities are pushing back against providing these services to their employees. I'm a bit confused about this. With life being sacred, should that sentiment apply to all life? What about the animal companions that are spayed and neutered.. What about the wild horses that are being given contraception? If you pay taxes, you're funding that practice… Shouldn't this apply across the board?? Life is sacred regardless, right? How many of these organizations are vegan?? Just sayin'…………………………
Friday, February 8, 2013
FDA approves first GMO flu vaccine containing reprogrammed insect virus
Additionally, the FDA has also approved a flu vaccine containing dog kidney cells! Gives new meaning to "man's best friend." Personally, (numerous health concerns aside) I am offended by this. What are we allowing now in society?? Why are we allowing these types of experiments? Are we really any better for them?? Really?!?
Folks, please do your homework. Inform yourself. Don't sit idly by. Don't be an experiment.
Just for fun ((or perhaps a warning))
The Fly!!
((you can read more about them in these 2 articles))