Musings about life, my journey, transformation, observations, horses, dogs, and other furry four leggeds.
~Robert Irwin"Ever present, never twice the same.... Ever
changing, never less than whole...."
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
I'm a wiz at bumping my head!!
More on the topic of misogyny ((since it was touched on last night in my polygamy/polyandry/polygyny post on FB- frankly I see nothing wrong with polyamory as long as all parties involved consent))
So yesterday, as he's leaving office "boss" says to male intern, "Be sure to wear your skirt tomorrow, you'll be answering phones"
((a remark that he makes often, among others))
Granted our admin assistant is out (another location) AND this is still inappropriate in a number of ways. Further perpetrating the political/religious/western ideal of female subservience. Additionally, it is insulting ((especially given that I am a bit more "educated" than he)) and interesting to the sociology minor in me. I also find it laughable; I am more practiced at (western-US) stereotypical "male" role activities than he.
For example: I ride a motorcycle, wield a chainsaw and service it when necessary, had a boat and knew how to use it, change tractor oil, own and shoot my own firearms, can change my cars oil, brakes, tires, ect-shoot, I completely tore down my VW Bug's motor just because I could and to challenge my knowledge, I'm pretty good at putting things together and assembling furniture and electronics, I LOVE outdoor "work", etc. , you get the idea. None of what I've listed has he done (aside from tire change). I know this through conversations we've had. ((I swear he thinks I'm a bit of an enigma, and looks at me during convos like he's seeing something "strange" under a microscope.. Lol!!)).
I recognize that this is due in part to how he was socialized. And still, I am challenged because I know this manner of thinking and being is being passed on and socialized into future generations. ((folks make it "okay" by saying its "old school" etc. Such RUBBISH!!))
The glass ceiling and 2nd shift is still very much a reality in today's society. I am doing what I can to break those norms. The great irony here too is that my father is the one that taught me most of what I listed. "Never depend on a man to do what this woman can" had been a mantra of mine (my sis is the same way). And herein lies the twist. Yes, our father instilled much of this in us (we were socialized in--nurture vs nature) AND that same man, our father, is a bit of a misogynist when it comes to "his" women. Fascinating, isn't it??
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and keen observation,
¤Know yourself as a Gateway to Fierce, Endless Possibility!!! ¤
"Ever present, never twice the same. Ever changing, never less than whole...."
--Robert Irwin
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And Twitter~ @InezDonmoyer
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Beautiful night ponderings.
With thoughts of joyous sunshine and rest,
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Don't Quit!!
Don't Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest, if you must, but DON'T. YOU. QUIT!
Success is failure turned inside out—
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit—
It's when things seem worst that you MUST. NOT. QUIT!!
With thoughts of joyful sunshine and perseverance,
Inez Donmoyer, CEMT, CCMT, CSAMT, RMT
Unicorn Dreams Wholistic Touch
Equine, Canine and Small Animal Massage/Bodywork and Reiki Master Teacher
Holistic Horse Care Cooperative
Join the Circle of Influence that Honors the Horse, become a member of the Holistic Herd
¤Know yourself as a Gateway to Fierce, Endless Possibility!!! ¤
"Ever present, never twice the same. Ever changing, never less than whole...."
--Robert Irwin
Follow me on Facebook~
My Blog~
And Twitter~ @InezDonmoyer
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Ants in my pants!! Ants in my pants!
Ants in my pants!! Ants in my pants!! Yep… still got ants in my pants! All my energetically connected friends and peers, are you also feeling this shift in energy? Not easily explained and not tangible to those who are still asleep, or perhaps don't yet have the language or senses to feel these subtle vibrations. I have been spending a good bit of time in self-reflection and observation; taking notice of subtle changes and vibrational "blips" in my space. Change is coming… I feel it.. and a magnificent summer ahead.. I know it! My body is literally vibrating with all the possibility and opportunity in front of me that I do not yet see…pulsing….pulsing..… ((I can feel it though… yes.. I can!)) My niece is quite the muse for me lately! A perfect example of how to "BE" in the moment…
Stepping into the Golden Age….. Where we are now we are being called to change the way we view ourselves, to see the bigger picture of humanity in the vastness of our universe and align our lives to co-create a world based on foundations of compassion, joy, and reverence for all life. Perhaps it is time to quantum leap our thinking, expand our hearts and transform our perceived limitations through the power of the Heart. What say you??
I stumbled upon this post that does a fairly accurate depiction of what I assess and feel to be true as I navigate through my own changes and shifts.