I'm going to go with a stance that may be "unpopular" here. It is RIDICULOUS to label obesity as a "disease." Here's another way for the AMA (and branches of the fed) to step in, and control, not to mention, a coup for the pharma industry because now, guess what?? Yep... more drugs can be created and approved to "treat" this disease... I have an idea.. how about nutrition and exercise.. And I'm not talking about the "food" that is constantly being peddled on TV or at a drive thru.. I'm talking about REAL food... food that is actually GOOD for you.. Nutrition. The foundation of wellness and thriving health. This means food that is NOT processed, in a box, or genetically engineered and modified. Why isn't the AMA looking at that? Looking at the changes over the last 15-20 years.. How our "food" has changed and is being changed, the amount of toxins that are constantly leeched into our environment, the amount of toxins that are constantly being ingested and injected? How about starting there? Taking a critical look and THINKING prevention? Sorry to break it to you folks. Not everything can be "fixed" with a "magic" pill.... sometimes it's important to read the ingredients.. and maybe take a walk every now and then... get plenty of water, sunshine, fresh air, and activity (exercise). Clear the mind. Get some sleep. Engage yourself physically and mentally. Eat REAL food!! Chew on that!!
((I'm on a roll today, aren't I??))