I am an itchy, itchy GIRL!!! Like a snake…. Peeling away…. My latest "pièce de résistance" … work of "art" is healing…. Yayyyy!! Yayyyy!!! Which brings my current "WOW" moment to mind… The body's AMAZING ability to heal itself.. it's innate "wisdom" and the equally AMAZING talents of our skin!! How it constantly heals itself… like magic! It's MAGICAL I tell you!! Seriously! I have so many knicks, abrasions, scars, bruises, rope burns, gashes, the list goes on that I have done to myself and continue to do to myself and still I heal… the burns-> harden-> sheds-> disappears… the laceration in my skin seals itself closed… How AWESOME IS THAT?!?!? Like SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!! Guys! Take a moment… check out your body, your skin.. and express gratitude! I'm a rough and tumble chick.. always jumping head first into things… I know I'm in AWE over the MAGICAL healing and wisdom my body has!!
And here's a lil tidbit since this whole thought began with an itch, from my tattoo………
The skin has two layers, the top layer is the epidermis which does constantly shed and regenerate, and the dermis underneath, which is mostly collagen and elastin, and gives our skin its resilience. Tattooing has been around for a long time and in some cultures is considered to give beauty or is a mark of distinction. The ink from tattooing is deposited in the dermis layer which becomes permanent although it does fade a little with age. The only way to remove a tattoo is to destroy the dermis by dermabrasion or laser, or surgically cut it out.